What is your emotional response looking at this painting?
Acceptance is the act of becoming at one with the physical world around you and just simply enjoying it. It’s a way to make peace with reality. It doesn’t get any more real than this. Acceptance is the art of accepting the moment that we are in and the circumstances we find ourselves in, without judgment or resistance, so that we can proceed forward to create our next moments.e. The most powerful method for dealing with anything, including problems, is to first accept it. This fluid painting is a contemporary approach to depth psychology aimed at healing. Through acceptance, one reaches forgiveness, the next step on the way to resolution or release. The goal is living in the presence of all that exists within and around us. Acceptance allows you to learn, unlearn, and relearn reality; to recrystallize your beliefs into a more fluid form that is not rigidly defined by the structures of your ego, that is why I used fluid art. You are learning to accept things as they truly are and shift your paradigms from false beliefs to true beliefs. Accepting yourself and the present moment create an opportunity for profound change.
Acceptance can be an uncomfortable place to be. It can sting, it can feel dirty and rotten; like you don't deserve the gift of acceptance - but with full acceptance it is always about a choice to see and feel the beauty that is held within every moment, even the ugly. This painting helps to awaken that choice by using color psychology and color therapy, this painting offers a moment to meditate and experience mindfulness. It's a reminder to accept your life and yourself.
This painting sees acceptance a process integrating art, relationships, and healing. Through acceptance principles and non-judgmental observation.