To follow the inner voice we must become aware of it. An inner voice is what you use to make decisions in life. It's the voice that tells you that something isn't right and that you should walk away To understand ourselves, to know why we make certain decisions and how we live our life is what this painting is about. I used red as a symbol of strength and power. In color psychology, red plays an important role in moving people forward to take action and increases confidence in decision making. Red also signals danger and increases heart rate and blood pressure, allowing you to react quickly in times of danger.When painting this piece, I wanted to convey an overall feeling of motivation, strength and power. The red represents the inner voice that we should always follow. The piece is made out of resin which reflects like a mirror so the viewer can see themselves and become part of the art work.
For instalments payments please contact me at alessiacamoiranobruges@gmail.com